

Dear Site administrators/site security contacts


You may recall that back in July a series of security challenges were run against LCG Tier-1 sites. These were generally successful.


Since then a series of tests have been developed by the EGEE Operational Security Group. Each ROC has been requested to use the tests to probe how well sites are able to deal with a security incident. This mail is an advance warning that we will be conducting tests over the next 1-2 months which will evaluate:


1)       How well each site is able to respond to a grid related security incident – how long does it take each site to respond to questions asked

2)       How well are the LCG/EGEE security procedures (to which all sites have signed up) understood and implemented at sites

3)       Whether sites understand how to track an incident on their site – do you keep your log files!  


This warning is partly to ask you to deal with requests promptly (as you would with a real incident) and also to ask you to check:


1)       That you are familiar with the incident response procedure

2)       That your security contact and site contact details in the GOCDB are correct.


To avoid biasing the results of the exercise I can not give more specific details about the tests, but rest assured nothing will violate site security or grid acceptable use policies. We must produce a report at the end of the exercise and our performance will be judged against the rest of EGEE and what is required in practice, therefore I hope that everyone will lend their full support to the exercise and give it the highest priority.


If you feel the need to respond to this mail please do not use the “Reply to All” option as there are many lists being used/tested with this mail. Reply only directly to me or via [log in to unmask]


Many thanks,



Dr Jeremy Coles

GridPP Production Manager

CCLRC eScience Department                     Phone: (+44)(0)1235 778256

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory                   Fax: (+44)(0)1235 446626

Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0QX, UK          Email: [log in to unmask]






NOTE: You have received this email either because you are listed in the EGEE Grid Operations Centre Database via a UK/I site contact list for one of the UK/I Region sites:, in which case the mail is of direct interest to you, or because you are on a CSIRT list for one of the sites and/or a member of the TB-SUPPORT list in which case (if you are not a site contact or administrator) the mail is for information only. I know that many of you are on all these lists so apologies for multiple emails.