

I have just stumbled upon this thread thanks to Sally and Nick.

As part of the SCLC Planning Sub Group I am very interested in this issue.
It is certainly something that frustrates me and planners at Colchester
would like clarity on it as they are always asking me about this.

I have yet to read the rest of the discussion but as far as I am concerned
I think that a desk study at least should be a mandatory part of any
planning application. Applicants should be drawn to this on the application
form as well.

As well as performing a vital function, by making it mandatory everyone
knows where they stand and the process is smoother.

The Planning Subgroup is working on priorities set largely by responses
from LAs across the land. If susbsequently any themes become apparent the
group is ready to respond to this. The group is in a good position to take
the issue to ODPM or other appropriate organisatins to lobby for clarity,
guidance or even changes where necessary.

Please see the CIEH/SCLC website where other information and news can be
seen on this and other topics.

In the meantime it may be something that can be followed up at the
forthcoming SCLC PLenery Sesssion in December. Please feed your comments 
contaminated land forum/consortium representative to take to the session
wherne we can discuss these matters.

A reminder also to read and complete the survey I sent around to your repos
about guidance for developers and applicants following the Agency's recent
publication on Contamianted Land Reports.

