

Call for papers and artwork:


Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science
Institute of Education,  London Knowledge Lab
August 4 - 8, 2006

Call for contributions: 
Please visit and click on "Call for
Contributions" for a complete announcement. 

1. Contributing Papers Deadlines: 
Contributed papers for reviewing process are due by February 1, 2006. In
this stage you must submit five paper copies by mail to: Reza Sarhangi,
Mathematics Department, Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson, MD
21252, USA.
Notification to author(s) of acceptance of paper: March 25, 2006.
Submission of final camera-ready manuscript electronically:
[log in to unmask] Friday April 25, 2006. Registration with full
(non-refundable) payment must be made by this date from at least one author
of each paper. 

2. Contributing Workshop Papers Deadlines:
The deadlines for submissions of preliminary and final versions will be the
same as for contributed papers. Papers intended for the teacher workshops
should be marked "BTTB" on the top right corner of the first page of the
article. In addition to five paper copies that you mail to Reza Sarhangi,
you should submit one copy by mail to: Mara Alagic, Mathematics Education,
Curriculum and Instruction Department, Wichita State University, Wichita KS
67260-0028, USA

3. Contributing Visual Art Exhibit Deadlines:
Please visit the Bridges London website for a complete announcement. Works
submitted for exhibition will undergo a refereeing process, led by the
exhibit organiser Robert Fathauer.  For initial submission, images of the
works should be e-mailed as JPEG files to Robert Fathauer at
[log in to unmask] by Friday April 25, 2006. 

A CD will be published along with the Proceedings. This will include images
of artworks accepted for the exhibit. If your work is accepted, details on
submitting images for this purpose will be posted later.

People exhibiting artworks will be expected to register for and to attend
the conference (one contributor only is required to register, in the case
of joint submissions).