

Dear All,

Have you seen Leora Cruddas' new book "Learning Mentors in Schools?" published by Trentham. I 
am just starting to read and review it. I am struck by the links being made between Professional 
Competence Statements for Learning Mentors and Child and Youth Care Workers (pages 29-32)

I would like us as a community to create a review section for so if 
you have read a mentoring or a coaching related publication and you'd like to post a review please 
let me know - perhaps we could have a Review of the Month by several us - what do you think???

Have you seen ..... this website?  There's a really useful bibliography section on mentoring there.
and this one?
and maybe this one?

Easy to tell Sarah is supposed to be writing (a draft chapter for a new book on Teacher Research) 
today and she has some difficulty persuading herself to settle down to it - hence several emails!
