

Apologies for multiple postings.


Dear Colleagues,


Please find below details of the forthcoming MSG Annual Research in Progress meeting, to be held on 28th March in Cambridge, UK.



Tom Argles

Secretary to the Metamorphic Studies Group




Annual Research in Progress Meeting 2006

Monday, 28th March                          Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge

Keynote speakers:

Andreas Möller                                              Joe Pyle

(Potsdam)                                                        (Rensselaer)


This year, our annual meeting is organized in partnership with the Geochemistry Group, and will have a geochronological flavour, so we would particularly like to encourage contributions highlighting the temporal context of metamorphic processes.

Call for papers

The Metamorphic Studies Group will be holding its Research in Progress meeting and AGM on Monday 28th March at the Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge University. This year, we particularly encourage contributions on the interplay between geochronology and metamorphic studies, alongside presentations of work in progress.  Presentations from postgraduate students are particularly encouraged and a prize of £200 is offered for the best student presentation. The RIP is a good opportunity to air new developments or ideas, or perhaps to rehearse a presentation for forthcoming meetings (e.g. The 21st Himalayan-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, to be held conveniently in Cambridge 29th-31st March 2006:


Abstracts are invited from those who wish to make an oral or poster presentation. The abstract should be in Times Roman 12 pt font with title in bold capitals. It should not exceed 2 sides of A4 including diagrams and references. Any references should be listed in 8 pt font at the end of the text. Please send abstracts to me by e-mail at [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  or by hard copy to the postal address <>  below. Please avoid sending attachments exceeding 2 Mbytes.

Deadline for submission of abstracts:                                              Friday 17th March

For further details contact:

Dr Tom Argles

Department of Earth Sciences, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes  MK7 6AA

Tel: 01908 652643

Email: [log in to unmask]

Or the MSG website: