

If your institution teaches fashion or related subjects such as art and design, you may like to feed back your views on the following.
I know you're all rushed off your feet at the moment, but it's open till mid November so there's plenty of time.
Thanks in advance for any input you are able to give.
Lis Parcell
RSC Wales





JISC Consultation on Fashion Studies Information Resource


Request for feedback - Response Required by Friday 18th November 


Please complete the online feedback form found at:


JISC and Berg Publishing request feedback from the education community about potential online resource, the 'Fashion Studies Information Resource'. This resource would be for Fashion Studies students and academics. The resource will be developed over 5 years and will provide; a citation index, a blogging facility, full text access to journal articles and books, customised course packs, an image resources archive and online tours of exhibitions and collections.

JISC has been invited to help fund the development of this resource and requires community feedback in order to evaluate if this would be a good use of public money and if there is a need for such a resource.

The consultation document details the 5 stage project, what the aims and likely costs are. Please read the full consultation document found at

You may also download the full proposal that Berg presented to JISC

Please use the online form to send your feedback -

Kind Regards



Caren Milloy

JISC Collections Manager

Strand Bridge House

3rd Floor

The Strand

London, WC2R 1HH


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