

Back from the holidays to 500 e-mails...

> But it looks like a lot of work to sort the graphics in FIGARO out.  A
> quick deep grep reveals a lot of PGBEGIN calls. Not surprised given the
> mixed heritage and sticky plaster approach to its recent development.

That's why supporting it is a poisoned chalice and we lost Horst.

Figaro needs more band-aids than even Bob Geldof can supply.  We've been
patching over the flaws far too long.  \begin{hobbyhorse} It would have
been much less effort to have written our own spectroscopy applications
to complement KAPPA. \end{hobbyhorse} A lot of the stuff in Figaro has
been long superseded or deprecated.  When you get down to the
spectroscopy, there isn't that much, and Horst provided some of it in
