

I can make it work with the following config file:
User jensen
Port 22223
IdentityFile .ssh/identity
Protocol 1
Cipher blowfish
This seems to be the minimal content that makes the client
happy.  With an agent running.  Then I could log in with
ssh [log in to unmask]

Then I replaced jensen with admin
1. In my private key, reloaded it into the agent.
2. In the authorized keys file on the server.
3. In my config file.

Then it worked with admin.


-----Original Message-----
From: GRIDPP2: Deployment and support of SRM and local storage
management [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Jensen, J
Sent: 24 August 2005 15:37
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Another item for workshop

> Configuration on the admin-node as follows:
> Generate public/private dsa key pair.
>> ssh-keygen -t dsa
> [root@gfe02 .ssh]# ls
> authorized_keys  
> config  
> id_dsa_dcachepwd  
> known_hosts

DSA is SSH 2.

Did you need SSH 1 or am I just confused?
