

Dear All,


Stelios is back! This time he has dreamt up a hotel business. As with the
easyJet idea, this is a no frills offering. No frills for the customer but
lots of frills for the business as far as I can see.


Anyway, I think this is a fantastic case for teaching pricing, the
psychology of pricing, maybe even accounting, service provision … so I put a
page together this morning to coincide with the launch of this venture. Just
go to and follow the link on the menu, Sundry
& Marketing; and see what I think about what I have seen.


You will notice that easyHotel advertises its rates from £20 a night … I
checked 153 prices and combination of prices and couldn’t find that price.
If you find it, please let me know and I’ll amend my work! 


Best wishes for the rest of the hols.


Duncan Williamson