

Oh, is there confusion creeping in here?

There is no question that there is an accessibility community and  
they work on accessibility and they are interested in the  
accessibility of resources.

What is proposed is the name of the element to be used for the  
adaptable characteristics of the resource - and for that, the more  
generic name 'adaptability' is recommended.

This term would then be used by the accessibility community in an  
accessibility application profile that would include other DC  
elements alongside the new one to describe what cannot described now  
- the adaptability of digital resources.

Thee is already interest in the education community to produce an  
application profile for describing the accessibility of what is known  
as mixed-learning environments, where digital resources are mixed  
with physical, real wold resources.

There is a project aiming to develop a vocabulary to be used to  
describe the accessibility of physical places and events. That  
project is likely to produce an application profile using the element.

It seems it might also be used by the mobility community in an  
application profile that would allow them to focus on transformations  
for different devices and locations, etc ...

