

Hi Adam,
I've kept this in my inbox for some time because (although we both took a
light/off-the-wall tone) I think the underlying issues are crucially important,
so thankyou for your challenges.

> So perhaps foreign travel should only be for single people with the chutzpa, education and skills required...

This one is tough for me to answer - if Aubrey is successful we may NONE of us be able to travel abroad much until a hydrogen economy develops, in which case I'll rest easy and start working on street children projects.

You've helped me see what was obvious: that the more I talk about positives of UK holidays and the less I talk about Costa packages as bad, the less likely I am to get into income discrimination and impossible to argue situations. And also it's down to people who CAN afford to go by train to choose to holiday in the UK. And maybe if we want more sunshine the answer is to move towards working and studying in the early evenings, allowing time in the middle of the day for getting outside - there's actually quite a lot of sunshine to enjoy in eastern UK.

>Its hard to see people working joyfully in dreary offices, production lines or retail sheds... and

I agree, which is why they should inisist on changing them to something less dreary or stop working in them, or at least change the way their children are schooled (so they don't get crushed into the right shape for the same dreary jobs).That's what people do up here in NE Scotland and in several other places round the world (plus we have several alternative economies, with 3-4 different currencies).

>their opportunities for working abroad are also limited

admittedly true but only cos they had an education that didn't teach them languages well and conditioned them into thinking that ThePowersThatBe have to provide them with education and employment. I would prefer an education system that helps people recognise all the wonderful kinds of important and urgent work there are to do in the world and how you can do this work without waiting for the institutional systems to wake up or democratise or get proper state funding.The only reason I can see to justify foreign travel is to work on climate change and conflict resolution and training where the traveller is the trainer and video-link won't do.  Can anyone suggest any others? (I'm coming to doubt whether family is a sufficient justification.I have family and clanfolk in Slovakia and after this year's train trip I am thinking of stopping visits for 10 or more years, except by cycle/hitching ! and perhaps off-peak travel.)


PS Wouldn't your boss get more commitment, loyalty and energy from you if you could choose your on hours? If not, why not sack him and get a better one?


>PS its lovely and sunny today so I asked my boss if I could take the day off and go to the >beach, but he said no.

"Warren A.J.D." <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Suppose instead, people actually lived and worked in a way that
was joyful?  People working and living in ways they love
wouldn't need their holiday "fix" every 3-4 months. If they wanted to
be in the sun or experience a new culture, they would have the smarts
to figure out a way to relocate their work to another place.
(Certainly the Australian system would make things easier, but
I managed to organise a year out from work and go to Madagascar,
and a second year for France.)

Or if people really hate can't be happy without more sunshine
regularly, suppose they worked in the evenings and had the
afternoons free so they can enjoy the sunshine whenever it shines?
Or maybe just move somewhere sunny? 


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