The International Journal of Work, Organisation and Emotion


Special Issue on: “Emotion and Aesthetics”





Guest Editors

Philip Hancock, Warwick Business School

Melissa Tyler, The Business School, Loughborough University

Sam Warren, University of Portsmouth Business School


The emotional and the aesthetic are, in most people’s minds, inexorably interlinked. If the aesthetic refers to an embodied and profoundly sensual means of experiencing the world then it is, more often than not, to our emotions that we turn in order to gauge our own particular response to such experiences. More specifically, in relation to the delineation of art for example, the critic and philosopher Clive Bell (1914) claimed that there is a certain uniquely aesthetic emotion evoked by the aesthetic qualities of an object; while artists themselves frequently allude to the emotional responses they seek to provoke in prospective audiences.


Yet despite this perhaps somewhat self-evident relationship, little serious academic work has set out to explicitly consider the nature of the interface between the aesthetic and emotional dimensions of work and its organisation. Notable exceptions to this do exist of course. Wasserman et al. (2000), for example, have explored the ways in which artifacts can evoke particular emotional reactions by virtue of their aesthetic characteristics, while Bryman (2004) has attempted to reconceptualise the relationship between what has been termed emotional and aesthetic labour within the context of a greater demand for performativity amongst particular segments of the labour market. Nonetheless, this is an area within which perhaps much remains to be thought, said and done.


As such, this special edition invites contributions that are aimed at enriching the quality of our understanding of the relationship between the emotional and the aesthetic within the domain of work and its organisation from interested scholars and those actively engaged in research within the area.


Submissions are invited of an empirical, conceptual or theoretical nature. While we welcome consideration of any aspect of the interface between the emotional and the aesthetic, possible topics or contexts of concern might include:


Deadlines for submission


Papers of 5000 – 7000 words should be submitted as below by February 28th  2006


Please see for format instructions

As an alternative to using the Submission of Papers site (, you may send one electronic copy in the form of an MS Word file of PDF attached to an e-mail to the following:

Dr. Philip Hancock

Lecturer in Organisation Studies

Warwick Business School

University of Warwick

Coventry, UK


Email: [log in to unmask]

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
PO Box 735
Olney, Bucks MK46 5WB
Fax: +44 1234-240515
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor