

Dear Moira,

I just have read your response on our videos and I really do not have a 
word to express my feelings. I only can say that I have never got such 
response in my life. It is not response, it is poetry. I have supposed 
that action research should be something more than scientific approach 
and you just have given me the evidence that it is the true. When I read 
your words without breath my first thought was that you found out more 
in that video than I have ever done before…

I have interrupted my writing because I have realised that I could not 
write answer without Marica. (Just small explanation: There were three 
adult persons - Marica Zovko, students' teacher, Vesna Simic, teacher 
who was sitting in the corner but she works at other school).
I have phoned her and retold what you wrote to us. I have also 
translated several part of your text that she could imagine how you 
review our video in details. She said that it is strong encouragement to 
continue with new generation of students on the same way. She told me 
that it was not easy for her to obtain such results because she often 
felt guilty because she did not realise her job on the way as it was 
expected from her, but she endured and succeeded to win the system. I 
told her that she did not win the system but she overcome system in 
herself. When she succeeded to change herself she was able to change her 
educational practice. All of that what surprised you on the same way 
surprised me when I talked with children and latter when I again watched 
video. That I did not expect that children could obtain more than we 
commonly suppose, I would not start, but our results extended my 
expectations. Few days ago in our conversation about her ex-students 
Marica told me very interesting detail. She said that several girls, who 
were upbringing in traditional (patriarchal) way, were most active 
action researchers. In the beginning she helped them to express their 
feelings, needs, thoughts and creativity. We concluded that education of 
action researcher can not begin with strictly action research questions, 
but with education which liberate children' potentials, which allow them 
to fulfil their needs and to creatively express themselves as unique 
persons and rich social being. Similar situation is with adults. I 
realised that I could not teach teacher only what action research is 
because it is not set of methods. I realized that action research is 
much more philosophy, or even better artistry, which requires from us to 
change ourselves if we want to help others to become participants in 
such process of change. It additionally requires from us to be 
completely dedicated to our colleges with whom we cooperate. Quality of 
communication and relationship is much more important in realisation of 
action research both with children and adults than any conception of 
rigor which I ever heard. But as in love we can not forced or even 
persuade somebody to have quality relationships and communication with 
us. It is a mater of confidence which could be built or devalued through 
various aspects of our relationships. I have learned from you that I 
must devote more care to that aspect of my practice. You have showed me 
how important is small, almost invisible details in our daily communication.
I have to say that what you sow at video is not my immediate 
contribution. Behind all of that stay my friend and great teacher Marica 
Zovko, who despite the problems succeeds in fulfilment of our shared 
values. Therefore, I salute her and her students!

Thank you very much for your action research poetry which means to me so 

With love and respect,

Branko Bognar

PS: I am finishing my last postings to the seminar before I go on vacation.