

Now available from the Institute


'Anglo-German Affinities and Antipathies' 

Edited by Rüdiger Görner


Published jointly by the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies and Iudicium Verlag, Munich. 


ISBN 0 85457 760 2  132pp  2004  £5.00


Anglo-German relations, although seriously strained towards the end of the Victorian era, were comparatively constructive during the 'long' 19th century and, at any rate, peaceful. In fact, they were arguably one of the most stable fixtures in a Europe that was otherwise a precariously fragile balance of interests and discord of voices. This volume brings together a selection of the papers given at two conferences held in November 2003 and April 2004 at the Institute of Germanic Studies, London, which focused on our respective intellectual histories and interconnections at the time. 




Rüdiger Görner: Introductory Remarks

Rosemary Ashton: The Case of Carlyle

John Walker: Thomas Carlyle, Mathew Arnold and the Misunderstanding of the German Idea

Elinor Schaffer: Coleridge and Kant's 'Giant Hand'

Stefano Evangelista: The German Roots of British Aestheticism: Pater's 'Winckelmann', Goethe's Winckelmann, Pater's Goehte

Peter Skrine: Victoria's Daughters: The Contribution of Women to 19th-Century Cross-Cultural Understanding

Andrew Vincent: An Edwardian Sittlichkeit: Haldane and German Culture

Mary Anne Perkins: Coleridge, Friedrich Schlegel, and the Idea of Christendom

Katharina Krosny: Hofmannsthal's Aestheticist Heritage and 'Das Märchen der 672. Nacht.

Biographical Notes


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EU                   £ 5.00 

OVERSEAS     £ 6.25


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