

Not just for OU - Open to all 



Sexuality is a fundamental and extraordinary feature of human life.  
Without it, of course, none of us would be here.  But it can also be 
the source of both our highest and lowest experiences. On one hand, it 
can cement intense biological, social and even spiritual connection 
between lovers.  On the other, it can provoke jealousy, abuse or even 
rape. It provides a fertile study ground for those interested in the 
psychology of human behaviour and experience. 

The Open University Psychology Society have risen to the challenge and 
are offering for their summer conference a international set of 
speakers who cover the psychology of Sexuality from a range of 
perspectives. Professor Erick Janssen  flies over from the Kinsey 
Institute (where the serious study of human sexuality began) to 
discuss the psychophysiology of sex. Dr Glen Wilson from the Maudsley 
Institute, University of London, will be talking about sexuality and 
the brain.  Other topics include sexual health (Dr Richard de Visser 
from Sussex University) and the effects of sexual abuse in childhood 
(Dr Yvonne Verburg from the Riagg Institute in the Netherlands).  
Sexual intimacy and fulfilment will also be explored by Dr Bo Mills, a 
psychiatrist at the Priory Clinic, and Leonore Lightwoman, the leading 
teacher of Tantric approaches to sexuality in the UK (and an 
experimental psychologist).  The panel is rounded off by two well-
known OU psychologists, Dr Frederick Toates and Dr Richard Stevens, 
who will be looking more broadly at the psychology of sexuality and 
how it relates to human life. 
This promises to be yet another stimulating, interactive and 
relatively inexpensive summer conference organised by OUPS. Speakers 
in previous years have included some of the most eminent names in 
their respective areas - B.F.Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Colin Blakemore, 
Richard Gregory and Philip Zimbardo. 

To find out more or join OUPS (only £15) contact Irene Baumgartl 
([log in to unmask]: Tel 0208 876 9803)