

medieval-religion: Scholarly discussions of medieval religion and culture

From: John Briggs <[log in to unmask]>

> Christopher Crockett wrote:

>> note that part of the simple (undecorated) molding of the impost
 block has been chiseled off as well.

> It look to me more like stone decay - usually the result of damp.

a bit.

but very *selective* decay, if that, yet on virtually all the caps we can see
--caps which have been indoors for all their life (from what little i can see
of their style, i'm thinking that they are legitimately "romanesque", not
"spolia" from some earlier monument). 

> If it really has been chiselled off,

i can't think of another explanation.

> that is usually associated with plastering, whether while removing the
plaster, or before applying the plaster to smooth the surface, or rough it for

yes, that was my first thought as well.

but that just begs the question : why was the original foliate(?) sculpted
decoration chiselled off of all (that we can see) the capitals, to be replaced
by plaster and paint?

plus, how do we explain the **selective** damage to only one side of the
impost block here

and the fact that only the top 2/3 of the capitals have been massaged with the

i *think* i can see the patterns of the cisel marks in that .jpg, but it might
just be an artifact of the technology.


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