Dear head of department


There are two dissertation prizes that you might be interested in submitting to:


  1. Alfred Steers’ dissertation prize awarded annually by the RGS-IBG for the best undergraduate dissertation in any aspect of geography


  1. QRA annual dissertation prize awarded for the best undergraduate dissertation in quaternary related areas


Please can you send us any dissertation that you wish to be considered for the above prize, marked clearly which prize/award it should be considered for.   The postal address is given below and please mark the parcel for my attention.   It is also helpful if you can give us details of the return name and address at the time of submission.  The deadline for dissertations to be considered for this years award is 15 September 2005   Should you wish to submit one after that date, please can you contact me directly?


This email was sent in early May, but a number of heads do not seem to have received it. My apologies if you have already seen it,


With all good wishes



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Lorraine Craig

Royal Geographical Society

1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR