

New book from Blackwell

European Families Up Against the Demands of Work and Care
Teppo Kroger (Editor), Jorma Sipila (Editor)

Combining work and care responsibilities is a challenge faced by
families in many industrialized nations. This volume focuses on the
everyday life of families who live under particularly strained
conditions; that is, lone parent families, immigrant families, dual
career families, and families who care simultaneously for both their
children and an elderly family member. It provides a new perspective on
the reality of European family life where care and paid work need to be
woven together on a daily basis. The book develops methods for doing
comparative qualitative analysis in practice, bringing an original
approach to social research. It offers new insights into the perennial
problems of gender balance in caring, and the significance of cultural
notions and working hours to the organization of care. Overstretched is
based on interviews with families from Finland, France, Italy, Portugal
and the UK, and makes it possible to discuss care policies in these and
other countries in a new light.

More detailed information about the book: