

Burke, S (Stephen) wrote:
> I'll (eventually) notice, my test job checks it. Also it doesn't look as
> though rfio is going away any time soon since a lot of the new data
> management code seems to be based on it!

I am somewhat alarmed by this statement.  Up until now I have understood
that, while it is required that sites support gsiftp, rfio was optional.
  A number of sites in LCG do not run rfio and, I imagine, do not wish
to be made to do so (mainly for security reasons).

My concern is if new datamanagement code has been written *presuming*
rfio is available, then will these sites now be *forced* to install rfio?

And so a previously optional protocol becomes mandatory...  when was
this discussed/decided?  If it was not discussed, at what point did the
middleware developers start assuming that rfio would always be available
and why were they not stopped?

There are two issues here: one is the potential insecurity of the rfio
protocol itself; the other is the (absence of a !) process which allows
the middleware development to turn an optional service into a mandatory
service without  comment or discussion.

Dr O J E Maroney # London Tier 2 Technical Co-ordinator

Tel. (+44)20 759 47802

Imperial College London
High Energy Physics Department
The Blackett Laboratory
Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BW