


An Agenda for Tomorrow's Phone Conference:

Time: 1000-1030
UK Dial-In:     08452453472
International Dial-In:  +44 1452542361
Participant Passcode: 758044#

1. Site status report
   Particularly sites Lancaster, Manchester, Edinbugh, Imperial are
   encouraged to report site status reports about their site status.

   What do we need to do to get sites up to speed?  We're already
   in May if I'm not mistaken...

   You are still strongly encouraged to send me SRM endpoints!

2. We need to have a chat about architecture use cases so we
   can document them.  At the moment we (where we == Jiri) are
   (is) working on documenting how to run dCache with NAT and
   different NICs on pools for the internal (DCAP) and external
   (GridFTP) networks.  And the firewalls.

3. DPM Status.

4. Migration use cases.  Note migration HOWTO has lower priority
   than the architecture+NAT+firewall HOWTO.  If we're running
   out of time, we'll skip this one (unless I hear objections).

   Which RCs will people be using?  Do we even need to bother
   (in the short term (== before SC3))?

5. AOB.
