

Boycott: It's the occupation, stupid
Uri Ram
April 26, 2005
The angry responses in Israel to the decision passed by the Association
of University Lecturers in Britain to boycott two Israeli universities,
Bar Ilan and Haifa, because of their acquiescence with the Israeli
occupation of the Palestinian territories, have, as usual, succeeded in
diverting attention from the main issue - the occupation, to the
secondary issue of the boycott.
The deputy to the ambassador of Israel in Britain is quoted as saying
that Jewish lecturers were not boycotted since Nazi Germany.
Interesting; nobody mentioned a boycott of Jewish lecturers. Moreover,
as far as there are `Jews` in this case, these are the Palestinians.
Those who suffer daily from undifferentiating occupation, killing,
destruction, confiscation and humiliation are the Palestinian residents;
residents, not citizens, because the state dominating them does not
grant them citizenship rights, barely human rights.
The President of Haifa University declared that a certain lecturer who
supports the boycott should depart the University, because one cannot
support boycotting it and still `enjoy its delights`. Good to know what
the President is occupied with - `enjoying the delights` of the
University. Maybe this is why he thinks that the University is his own,
or of him and the colleagues to his position; a `non-political` position
of course; just a simple banal acquiescence with the occupation and its
horrors. I would have expected him to declare that this decision is
mistaken because the university does oppose the occupation; or to
declare that the university would start doing so. I would have expected
him to take an unequivocal moral stand against the occupation, rather
then condemning one pious lecturer in this Sodom. I would expect this
also from the rest of the University Presidents in Israel, with the
exception of Bar Ilan, which ideologically and actively supports the
occupation. In the future Israeli University Presidents will not be
judged by the number of graduates or by the number of articles produced
in their time, but by the question `where were you when the occupation
and oppression took place?!`
Israel must be reminded what it tries to make everybody forget: the
occupation is unlawful; the settlements are unlawful; any activity of
the occupying power which is not necessitated by immediate security
considerations or the temporary upkeep of the area until its return to
its local population is unlawful, and moreover illegitimate and amoral.
This is what the British lecturers proclaim: the Israeli occupation of
Palestinian areas is unlawful, illegitimate and amoral. It`s not the
boycott, stupid, it`s the occupation.
And now one may also consider the boycott. Why boycott on Israel and not
on Britain, which occupies Iraq?! Why start with the universities, and
not, for instance, with the official representatives of Israel or with
Israeli corporations?! What about lecturers in the boycotted
universities who oppose the occupation, Arab, Jews or others (will there
be selection committees; a horrible thought)?! And does not every
Israeli tax-payer - including the writer of this text - a complaisant
with the occupation?! I don't have unequivocal answers to these
questions, but I know that the occupation and the occupiers ought to be
unequivocally condemned and boycotted. The problem is not the boycott,
stupid, it`s the occupation.
Dr. Uri Ram
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Behavioral Sciences,
Ben Gurion University
Beer Sheva,

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`And they were silent, and answered him not a word` (Isaiah 36:21)
By: Nurit Elhanan-Peled* Jerusalem 28.4.2005
The Hebrew Original:
 Translated to English by Mark Marshall
`The looting will start immediately after the evacuation. One will take
a window. Another will take a door.`
This racist and wicked statement, that was published a few days ago from
the mouth of the one who stands at the head of the State of Israel, was
intended purely as incitement and was meant to foment hatred and
contempt towards those with whom the State of Israel is supposed to make
real peace. To represent the Palestinians, the blood of whose children
is splashed on every window and door in the criminal and redundant
settlements that were set up on their stolen lands, to represent those
victims as savages from the desert who will come to dismantle houses and
loot windows and doors, just to make them into firewood, for they do not
know the proper use of windows and doors - although they were the
builders of all the Jewish settlements - is an expression of pure,
benighted, dangerous racism, which the enlightened world cannot and must
not tolerate any longer. In England a Member of Parliament who dared to
say that the health system was collapsing under the burden of immigrants
was dismissed, and the leader of the Tory party is being severely
criticized because of racist statements against immigrants. However, not
one of them dared to rise to the level of the racism and incitement of
the Prime Minister of Israel. But this man, who has already floated the
idea of a civil war that he evidently longs for, the man who has been
stealing lands, looting property, ruining vineyards, uprooting orchards,
who has killed and devastated and destroyed more than any other leader
in the world today, has not been denounced for his words and obviously
will not be brought to justice and will not be punished for his
inflammatory words and many crimes.
In the wake of the boycott that is hanging over the head of Israeli
academia, a boycott that will certainly harm seekers of peace, but which
expresses the revulsion of the enlightened academic world at what is
happening here, and especially at the fact that the Israeli academia is
not rising up and crying out in the face of the despicable racism of
their leaders; maybe the time has come to understand, that if people of
letters and science in a State that is sunk up to its neck in racist
discourse, in the blood of innocents, in injustice the likes of which
have not been seen in years, do not condemn and do not call for the
leader who incites and instigates to be brought to justice, if people of
letters and science do not demand that he withdraw his racist words, and
accept these words as a matter of course, and maybe as truth, then these
people of letters and science deserve every condemnation and every
boycott that the enlightened world can impose on them.

Dr. Nurit Elhanan-Peled,

Jerusalem, is Lecturer in Language Education at the Hebrew University,
Tel-Aviv University and the David Yellin Teachers College

Laureate of the Sakharov prize (2001) for Human Rights and the Freedon
of Speech, awarded by the European Parliament.
Member of the Parents-Circle, the Israeli-Palestinians forum of Bereaved
Parents for peace.

Delyn Democracy: The Political Watchdog