


Apologies if this question has been covered in the past.

In our organisation a series of lectures will be given by long-serving members of staff on their experiences during their career, as a sort of "knowledge exchange" for the newer/younger generation.
I have been asked to investigate the possibilty of recording these lectures for posterity for the "corporate memory". We have a number of options: video/DVD/CD/old fashioned audio tapes. But my question is, which is the best to choose for long term preservation purposes, bearing in mind the rapidly changing technology these days.
We will have copies of the relevant powerpoint presentations, but a good speaker always gives more information orally.
I'm interested to hear the experiences of others faced with the same problem.

Sarah Humphrey, Documentalist
Director General's Cabinet/DG-CR
European Space Agency
European Space Research and Technology Centre
Noordwijk, Netherlands

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