

Chris wrote:

<I am a member of the Combe Martin Silver Mine Research Preservation
Society, and know Trevor Dunkerley.>

Chris, you are too flattering by half. Now you are making me blush!

On a more serious note, having completed a new Geophysical survey, two weeks ago we opened up two 2x1m test pits on what the plots suggest could be a fulling mill which was converted in the very early 19th century as a wheel connected to rods for pumping from a silver/lead shaft.

Today I supervised 5 diggers, none of whom two weeks ago had previously held a trowel, and their enthusiasm, and capacity to want to learn is extraordinary. Trying to get them to take tea breaks is a nightmare! Already they are into completing context sheets, recording with photographs and drawings and the questions are incessant.

What is now so very encouraging is that members of CMSMRPS, who have spent the last 15 years working on the site without recording anything, have suddenly seen the light! It may be that simple enthusiasm and encouragement is infectious!



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