

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005, Karthik wrote:

> when i have a folded spectra, should i unfolded it during processing or can
> CCPN manage it?

Analysis can handle folded (at least "aliased", i.e. if a peak goes off
one edge it comes back on the opposite edge) spectra just fine.  Handling
the really "folded" version (peak goes off one edge, it is reflected back
in from the same edge) is in the data model in principle but wasn't
implemented in analysis last time I checked.

Once you have loaded a spectrum go to the referencing information for it
and enter the range of shifts over which you believe the signals lie and
the contours will be displayed over that range (but see below).  If you
pick a peak at its "aliased" position you can unalias it by an integral
number of sweep widths to its correct position (I find the sense of the
sign before this integer counter-intuitive, but I think that's because
Wayne & Tim write in terms of points rather than ppm).  If you unalias a
peak beyond the edge of the currently contoured region of the spectrum,
you will be asked whether you want to extend the contouring over that

Dr. Brian O. Smith ---------------------- B Smith at bio gla ac uk
          Division of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
              Institute Biomedical & Life Sciences,
Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.
Tel: 0141 330 5167/6459/3089                    Fax: 0141 330 8640