Dear members,


Understanding my Learning

I would like to thank all those who attended the fourth Experts meeting at Aston University on Friday 18th March and for their valuable contributions to the discussions.  The presentations and supporting papers from the meeting are now available from


I have attached a summary of the meeting for those members who were not able to attend.


A reminder for those members who attended, to submit your completed expense claim forms, and to return these to Brig Whitney, JISC, 2nd Floor, Beacon House, Queen's Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU.


Experts Survey

The Experts Group is now one year old and to ensure that it continues to provide opportunities to successfully discuss issues, participate in and influence the outcomes from the strand, Group members were encouraged to give their views on being an ‘Expert’ in a newly launched survey. The survey form is attached and I would appreciate members taking the time to complete the form.


Dates of Next Meeting

The dates for the following meetings are now confirmed:

Tuesday 14 June 2005 – London
Wednesday 5th October 2005 – Venue to be confirmed


I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all members for their continued support and valuable contributions to date. Have a good Easter break.


Best regards,


e-Learning and Pedagogy Programme Manager
JISC Development Group
2nd Floor, Beacon House
Queen's Road
Tel: 0117-954 5063
Mobile: 077 477 67944
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