


Wim probably won't see this until next week, so in lieu of his expertise I
had a quick look and can see PIPP in a few places on the import menu (not
on the export menu), specifically under

  import -> single files -> peaks -> pipp


  import -> single files -> chemical shifts -> pipp

and also under

  import -> multiple files -> pipp


On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Michael Durney wrote:

> I have installed both the latest version of "analysis" in order to
> convert my PIPP format files. When I ran the format converter I couldn't
> find any options in the menues for PIPP. I then tried to install the new
> version (1.0.2) of format converter and again couldn't see any options
> for PIPP. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here?
> Michael.