

Dim trafferth ynghylch yr olion-troed ecolegol, ond cefais drafferth deall
"normalise", yn arbennig gan fy mod i 'n clywed y gair yn bennaf mewn
cysylltiad â normaleiddio dwyieithrwydd ayb.

Cefais hyn gan gynrychiolydd y cwsmer:
Again, I find this very confusing.  It means reducing the total to be a "per
unit" measure, e.g. per person, per square metre, which can then be used as
an basis for future measurements, or for comparisons with other footprint
studies.  "Standardise" is not quite right.  We might invent "unitise" but
that won't help.  I will have to ponder this question further."

Ar y we cefais:
In relational database design, the process of Normalisation is organising
table data to minimise duplication.
"Normalisation involves dividing a database into 2 or more tables and
defining relationships between the tables. The objective of normalisation is
to isolate data so that additions, deletions and modifications of data
fields can be made in just one table and then propagated (spread) through
the rest of the database using pre-defined relationships"

Gwelaf fod cyfieithaid yn yr un maes ar y we yn defnyddio "normaleiddio".
Ydy hyn yn ddigon da?  Ydy rhywun wedi defnyddio rhywbeth arall?

Llawer o ddiolch,
