


the current SPARC-SOL9 starjava nightly build test suite failure (see
appears to be down to a bug in AST (channels by the look of it):

   rlsul0 % cat chan.c
   #include "ast.h"
   #include <stdio.h>

   int main( int argc, char *argv ) {
       AstFrame *f = astFrame( 2, "" );
       AstChannel *chan = astChannel( NULL, NULL, "" );
       printf( "AST Version: %d\n", astVersion );
       astWrite( chan, f );

   rlsul0 % setenv STARLINK /home/rlsul0/cvsbuild/nightly-build/build/build-root
   rlsul0 % setenv PATH ${STARLINK}/bin:$PATH
   rlsul0 % setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $STARLINK/lib
   rlsul0 % cc -I$STARLINK/include -L$STARLINK/lib chan.c `ast_link`
   rlsul0 % ./a.out
   AST Version: 3005006
    Begin Frame    # Coordinate system description
   #   Title = "2-d coordinate system"     # Title of coordinate system
       Naxes = 2   # Number of coordinate axes
   #   Lbl1 = "Axis 1"     # Label for axis 1
   #   Lbl2 = "Axis 2"     # Label for axis 2
   !! AST: Error at line 7 in file chan.c.
   !  Missing operator after numerical string '6.9599'.
   rlsul0 %

I think this is Solaris-specific.


Mark Taylor    Starlink Programmer     Physics,  Bristol University, UK
[log in to unmask] +44-117-928-8776