

Peter W. Draper wrote:
> just for reference I have built hds on OS X today, without any problems.
>>From what those missing symbols are I'd you are exactly right that you are
> missing a -lg2c in the link. Hdsmachine seems to use g77 for linking, so
> clearly having this missing is really bad. Make sure you don't have more
> than one g77 command by mistake and see what g77 -v says about where
> system libraries etc are picked up (also trying link a simple Fortran
> program).

Sorry to take a while to get back, but I'm not having this problem any more.
Now that you guys all have access to an OS X machine I thought I'd try
installing the software from scratch, which means from before having Fink. I
updated my gcc installation from Apple (it's still 3.3, but Apple released a
bugfix in November that fixed some problems building C++), installed Fink, and
installed g77 and tetex via Fink. I'm currently building the Starlink code and
it's got past HDS without a problem.

I'm doing this primarily to help improve the documentation, so we can say
"install Fink and packages x, y, and z, then download the Starlink software
from CVS and install it".

Once I get it built I'll create a package, including STARPERL and the software
handled by JAC, and then turn over distribution of prebuilt OS X packages to
