

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Peter W. Draper wrote:

> > And/or we could institute a policy that a normal test only does things
> > which can work without requiring network connections, or maybe a system
> > property along the lines of java.awt.headless which test programs ought
> > to check before attempting something networky.
> > Opinions?
> Yes, let's do that. I've added a note to AntDevelopmentSystem requiring it
> for the test target.


I have commented out the FROG test target, since all it does is start
up FROG.  This doesn't prove much, and it has the additional disadvantages
that (1) it never returns, so the global test target can't complete and
(2) it fails in a headless environment.  If you want to reinstate this
as a JUnit-based unit test or add other unit tests, feel free, as long
as it doesn't do (1) or (2) above.


Mark Taylor    Starlink Programmer     Physics,  Bristol University, UK
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