

On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, David Berry wrote:

> > > It's also possible that not linking the .la files might work (so ld can
> > > see the .a and .so softlinks directly).
> >
> > In fact that is the more obvious thing to try first.
> Is it possible for you to test this? Presumably you could see if it works
> just by removing the star/lib/ file and then attempting to
> link something with ast? I don't have a cygwin setup.

It works for Cygwin, but since that doesn't have shareable libraries it's
a bit of a noop. The real test would be OS X.

> > I cannot find a tool for editing .la files, so it must be a bad idea (as
> > Norman will no doubt remind us, looking at libtool too hard means you
> > missed something obvious).
> So it's not just a case of doing
> sed -e 's/libast/libast_pass2/'

Possibly, as I haven't found a written description of the format/content
of .la files, I thought looking for a standard tool would be best (or
maybe some mode of libtool itself), however, there is the odd description
in the libtool documentation that resorts to extracting things directly
from the .la file (like the proper name of the dl-loadable library), so
why not. Changing my mind again (why not it keeps you youthful), I'll vote
for this option!

