

*Apologies for cross-posting*


ESPAnet young researchers workshop, Paris, June 30th to July 2nd 2005

“Organised labour and the welfare state: new perspectives on an old couple”

Host: Cevipof, Sciences Po
Organisers: Daniel CLEGG (Marie Curie Research Fellow) and Bruno PALIER (CNRS Researcher), Cevipof

ESPAnet young researchers workshops offer an opportunity for doctoral candidates to debate work and ideas, in an informal and supportive environment, with more experienced scholars active in research and publication in their broad area of interest. The Paris workshop, which will take place from June 30th to July 2nd 2005, is open to up to 18 doctoral students whose work touches in some way on the role of organised labour interests in the past and present (and future…) development of social policy. The workshop organisers welcome papers from many disciplinary perspectives (political science and political economy, sociology, history…), and focused on any of a range of social policy areas (pensions, labour market policy, poverty and social exclusion, care policies…) and/or on any ‘level’ or ‘site’ of social policy development (regional, national, supra-national…). Good quality papers that address the relationship between collective action and social policy development from other perspectives - focussed for example on the action and influence of employers, the medical profession, ‘new’ social movements (e.g. of the unemployed) etc. - are also welcomed. 

Experienced researchers who will participate in the workshop include Karen Anderson (University of Leiden), Bernhard Ebbinghaus (University of Mannheim), Philippe Pochet (OSE and Free University of Brussels), Elke Viebrock (University of Stirling) and Noel Whiteside (University of Warwick). 

The workshop is free of charge, including lunches, refreshments and entertainments. Abstracts will be selected on merit by the workshop organisers with, where necessary, choices between equally good abstracts being made on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Further information on the workshop theme and information regarding the format and timetable – including deadlines for abstracts and papers – can be found at the ESPAnet site (, 'workshops' link)

For any further information, please contact Daniel Clegg ([log in to unmask]) or Bruno Palier ([log in to unmask]).

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