

>Dear Colleagues and Friends,
>Two exciting pieces of news! Please circulate!
>* There will be advertised soon at the University of York, Department
>of Art History, a position for a scholar of Baroque Art /
>Architecture. In the first instance, this position is for a two-year
>period to replace Helen Hills during her British Academy Research
>Readership (2005-07). But it may be possible to convert it to a
>permanent position (duly advertised). Please could anyone who is
>interested contact Helen Hills in the first instance
>([log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask])
>* The University of York is offering generous financial support for
>PhD studentships in the Early Modern (please see attached document).
>Please circulate!
>Best wishes,
>Helen Hills
>Dr. Helen Hills
>Senior Lecturer in Art History
>Research officer, Art History
>School of Art, Histories, Cultures
>University of Manchester,
>Oxford Rd.,
>M13 9PL
>Tel (Dept) 0161-275-3016; Fax: 0161-275-3331
>Tel (office): 0161-275-3318
>E-mail: [log in to unmask]
>From February 2005:
>Anniversary Reader in History of Art,
>Department of History of Art,
>University of York,
>Heslington, York, YO10 5DD
>E-mail address: [log in to unmask]