

An ancient dsicussion on the mailling list give this information that i conserve very carfully !

Age Ep Chat
Smith. R.N. 1969. 'Fusion of ossification centres in the cat', Journal
of Small Animal Practice 10, 523-30.

And if anyone else knows of a more recent source, I would be grateful to
hear of it.

Terry O'Connor



the second edition of Habermehl's book (1975) has some information on epiphysial closure in cats
(complete reference: Habermehl, K.-H. (1975) Die Alterbestimmung bei haus- und Labortieren. Berlin: Parey, pp. 177). If people have trouble getting the book or with German language (the German name for the bones is used instead of their Latin one), I could translate the information and post it in a subsequent message.



Dear Salima,
reading Habermehl (1975) more carefully I realized that he is quoting investigations by Schaeffer (1932).
the epiphyseal closure times that he gives are the following:

ca. 8½ months: coracoid process in scapula, acetabulum in pelvis, distal humerus, proximal radius, calcaneus, and (apparently) both proximal and distal epiphyses in Femur

ca. 10 months: proximal ulna and phalanges

ca. 11½ months: distal metapodials, proximal humerus, distal radius and ulna, both epiphyses in the tibia, and distal fibula.

He mentions, however, that according to Kayanja (1970), the fusion times for the distal and proximal end of the humerus are 7¾ and 8½ months respectively.

It would be interesting to compare these fusion times with those of Smith (1969)...



A point that I have noticed in the literature on ageing is that many people still rely upon Silver's (1969) old epiphyseal fusion graphs. If you notice, he reversed the information for phalanges, instead giving the information for the proximal in the place of the distal. Anyone who has read Halbermahl and other German/Swiss sources would recognize this, but most english-only readers would not.


Haskel J. Greenfield, Ph.D.