

Dear Andy,

Here are some additional British bear records:

Harman M. 1993. The mammalian bones. 24-5 and fiche A7. In:Simpson W G. The
excavation of a Late Neolithic settlement at Barholm, Lincs. In: Simpson W G et
al. The Fenland Project, Number 7: excavations in Peterborough anf the Lower
Welland Valley 1960-9.East Anglian Archaeol. 61. 7-28.

Legge A, Williams J and Williams P. 1989. Animal remains from Blackhorse Road,
Letchworth. 90-5. In:Moss-Eccardt J. Archaeological investigations in the
Letchworth area, 1958-1974. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. 77. 35-103.

Lister A M and Brandon A. 1991. A pre-Ipswichian cold stage mammalian fauna from
the Balderton sand and gravel, Lincolnshire, England.J. Quaternary Sci. 6(2).

Luff R. 1985. The fauna. 143-50 and Fiche 4:A2-E7. In:Niblett R. Sheepen: an
early Roman industrial site at Camulodunum.CBA Research Report 57.

Powers R. 1967. Report on the bear phalanges. 42. In:Stead I M. A la Tene III
burial at Welwyn Garden City.

Luff R. 1993. Animal bones from excavations in Colchester, 1971-85.Colchester
Archaeological Report 12. Colchester: Colchester Archaeological Trust.


Umberto Albarella
Department of Archaeology
University of Sheffield
Northgate House
West Street
Sheffield S1 4ET
United Kingdom
Telephone: (+) 44 (0) 114 22 22 943
Fax: (+) 44 (0) 114 27 22 563

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