

Fitted and adjusted response revisited.


  we have been struggling with the fitted and adjusted response
for PET data. Both from literature and the archives I understood
that the GLM could be written as:

Y = [X1:X2][beta1:beta2] + error
        with [X1:X2]     the design matrix split into effects
                                 of interest and confounding effects
        and  [beta1:beta2] the corresponding model parameters.

giving for the adjusted and fitted response:

Y(adjusted) = Y - X2*beta2
              = X1*beta1 + error
Y(fitted)   = X1*beta1

So for a PET data set with conditions only, I expect the fitted
response to equal the betas for each condition. However, this is
not what I see in the figure or when I examine the data in the
Matlab workspace (SPM99).

So obviously, I am missing something. I just can't figure out what.

Any insight is appreciated,

  Antoon Willemsen
  Groningen University Hospital
  The Netherlands
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