

Dear SPM list,
I am trying to use MRICRO to view t-contrasts of a VBM analysis generated in SPM. I succeed in doing this with defaults parameters, but cannot find a way of saving a customised contrast (e.g. t=5; extent threshold 20 voxels). 
I would like to ask you if there is a way of saving an .img and .hdr file with my parameters of interest.
Thank you in advance,
Chiara Nosarti PhD, Lecturer in Cognitive Neuropsychology,
Division of Psychological Medicine,
Section of General Psychiatry, PO Box 63,
Institute of Psychiatry
16 De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill,
London SE5 8AF, UK
Tel: 0207 848 0133
Fax: 0207 701 9044