

Hi Stephan,

>we would like to build our own fp-cit and ß-cit spect template. Could
anybody give us a hint to realize that? Is it possible to use composite
images for this template?

Absolutely. Searching for "making template" in the archives ( yields plenty of references. The principle is to co-register the images in the modality you want a template for with something else for which there already is an MNI/ICBM152 space template (usually T1 MRI), normalise e.g. T1 to T1, drag coregistered new modality images along, check very carefully indeed, and create a "soft mean" (search for "Template" and "John Ashburner" in sender). 

Composite (integrated/add?) images can be used and are often a good idea, particularly if parametric images lack anatomical features.

Obviously having a single slice template does not make much sense but I trust that's just a typo in your subject line.

Good luck,

Dr Alexander Hammers, MD PhD

MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow 
Honorary Clinical Lecturer
Clinical Sciences Centre
Room 243, MRC Cyclotron Building
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London
Hammersmith Hospital, DuCane Road, London W12 0NN


Honorary Lecturer in Neurology 
Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy 
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery/ Institute of Neurology,
33 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG

Telephone       +44-(0)20-8383-3162 (ext./direct line -3704 or -2651)
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