

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 17:17:08 +0100, Neggers, S.F.W. (Bas)
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear all,
>interesting discussion. I was only referring to the observation that
(X'*X)^(-1) can't be solved, it results in a singular matrix. When of
course reducing the matrix to independent vectors spanning the space of
the model, this wouldn't be a problem anymore mathematically, I agree.
Didn't know spm2 would do that for you, I simply never tried for that
>To illustrate, try this in matlab:
>Xc=[1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0]'; % a block regressor
>X=[Xc,ones(size(Xc))]; % a correct design matrix with an intercept added
>Y=Xc+rand(24,1)/2; % simulate some data with a block pattern + noise
>B=(X'*X)^(-1) * X'*Y; % estimate Betas. so far so good
>X=[Xc,ones(size(Xc)),Xc]; % add an identical regressor
>B=(X'*X)^(-1) * X'*Y; % estimate Betas again. problem:
>B=(X'*X)^(-1) * X'*Y
>Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
>(Type "warning off MATLAB:singularMatrix" to suppress this warning.)
>B =
>   NaN
>   NaN
>   NaN
>Same results for adding Xc*3 for that matter.
>This all only to illustrate that an extra constant regressor is not
meaningful at all.
>Wouldn't the contrasts to calculate be a little problematic to interprete
when a reduced matrix is used? The Beta associated with an 'emty
regressor' for such a session would mainly explain the baseline for that
session, and not so much an activation amplitude for such a condition. I'm
sure I am missing something here....

SPM dealt sensibly with the issues you're raising here years ago.  See
e.g. the sections "2.4 Overdetermined models" and  "2.6.3 Estimable
functions, contrasts" in Chapter 3 of the first _Human Brain Function_
book, at URL



>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping)
>[mailto:[log in to unmask]]Namens Stephen J. Fromm
>Verzonden: woensdag 23 maart 2005 16:41
>Aan: [log in to unmask]
>Onderwerp: Re: [SPM] empty conditions in design
>On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:05:20 -0500, Satrajit Ghosh
><[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Dear Jan and list,
>>Thanks you for your replies. I do have batch scripts which do pretty
>>much what you suggest, but this is precisely what I wanted to avoid.
>>Perhaps my matrix algebra is conflicting with my SPM estimation.
>>To give a clearer example, lets look at the following code.
>>a = kron(eye(2),rand(20,10));
>>a(:,[3,4,5,14,15,16]) = 0;
>>[u,s,v] = svd(a);
>>The empty columns would correspond to singular values of 0. And SPM
>>does do a design matrix reduction to remove linear dependencies that
>>exist. So, I don't see why specifying empty onsets is a problem
>The problem isn't mathematical, really.  By linear algebra convention,
>matrices don't have empty columns.
>The issue is rather a computing language issue:  It would be convenient if
>columns could be designated as empty.  I came across this problem while
>scripting SPM2 stats to speed up design specification for some users with
>unbalanced designs---if empty columns were allowed, I could specify the
>order of conditions independently of runs (i.e., sessions).  (This could
>be done by making the columns of the design matrix elements of a cell
>The way SPM is written, however, the columns can't be empty (which of
>course is perfectly reasonable).  Therefore, as I believe Jan Gläscher
>implied, you have to batch or script around this.
>>As Bas suggests and if X did have zeros in columns this estimation
>>would be problematic.
>>B= (X'X)^-1 x X'Y
>>But, in SPM X is not really the created design matrix. It is a reduced
>>form and contrasts get mapped to this reduced form. Hence, I'm trying
>>to understand why the designers of SPM didn't allow empty conditions.
>>Thanks again,
>>On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:47:32 +0100, Jan Gläscher
>><[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Dear Satra and list,
>>> SPM won't let you estimate a design matrix with empty regressors as all
>>> the other answers have correctly suggested.  I will outline a solution
>>> for a conditional design and contrast specification below, but I must
>>> stress that it is complicated and therefore I would therefore strongly
>>> recommend using the batching facilities in SPM2.  If you are not
>>> familiar with batching you will find a lot of sample batch files on
>>> list, e.g. Karl Friston's sample file
>>> Now, there are 3 constraints to this problem that have to be taken into
>>> account:
>>> (1) There must not be any empty regressors.
>>> (2) For a valid parametric modulation there must be at least 2 trials
>>>     (= 2 onset) in the "onset" regressors (i.e. the one where you
>>>         specify your onsets)
>>> (3) Contrast specification is tricky (Therefore I recommend a spcific
>>>     naming scheme for your regressors (and parametric modulations)
>>>         you can later reference)
>>> Here is some example code for solving problem (1) and (2) ...