

Hi all, 

I am running into problems with the slice timing tool in SPM2.  I am collecting 26 slices in the following order for each scan: 14 1 15 2 16 3 17 4 18 5 19 6 20 7 21 8 22 9 23 10 24 11 25 12 26 13 (In other programs, this is referred to as "Interleaved 2").

I select "user specified" from the drop-down box, and then input the above sequence in the Order of slices field.  When I hit enter, the field simply clears, and I cannot advance to the next step.  The matlab window does not indicate that any error has occurred.  I am positive that the slice order is correct.  Does anybody have any ideas about what might be causing this problem?

Thank you for your time, 



Amy Driscoll
Behavioral & Mental Health Research
Joslin Diabetes Center
1 Joslin Place, Rm 350
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 732-2699 x4317

"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there is something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you are good at - something that is bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today" 
- Whit Hobbs