

Here are the updated 'Makefile' and 'spm_platform.m' for Matlab on 64bit 


Mex-files on Matlab for 64bit linux getthe extension mexa64.

So I added this to the architecture list:
        make all SUF=mexa64  CC="gcc -O3 -funroll-loops -fPIC -march=x86-64"    
MEX="mex COPTIMFLAGS='-O3 -funroll-loops -fPIC -march=x86-64'"

The '-fPIC' option is nexessary to allow the linking proces to complete. 
'-march=x86-64' provides generic optimisations for both Opteron and 64bit 
If the code is running on a 64bit Xeon you can change '-march=x86-64' to 
'-march=nocona', when running on an Opteron, change it to '-march=opteron'. 
This might give you a performance boost.

I added his to 'clean' details:
        make clean SUF=mexa64

and this to the 'messages'
        @ echo "_____________________________________________________________"
        @ echo ""
        @ echo "Linux compilation (Matlab 7.x) - using gcc for x86-64"
        @ echo "_____________________________________________________________"
        @ echo ""

To build the mex-files, you go to the spm2 directory and do a 'make 
If you run into troubles, I can provide binaries for Opteron, Xeon and generic 


Matlab for 64bit Linux identifies itself as 'GLNXA64' as opposed to 'GLNX86'. 
It has the same 'endian-ness' as GLNX86, so I added this to the 'PDefs' cell 
                'GLNXA64',      'unx',  0;...

and added 'GLNXA64' to the list of other unix platforms at the font 

My system configuration:
 dual opteron 242 on a Tyan Tiger K8W
 Gentoo Linux for amd64 (also runs on Xeon with EM64T)
 Matlab (R14) Service Pack 1 for AMD64
 gcc 3.4.3
 glibc 2.3.4

Wouter Depuydt
KUL - Neurofysiologie
Herestraat 49, bus 801
B-3000 Leuven
Tel.    +32 (0)16 347112
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