

Dear SPMers,

I have the last (hopefully) up to date release of spm_graph.m for SPM99
(% @(#)spm_graph.m    2.29 Karl Friston 00/09/14)

With this version, when I plot 'Event/epoch-related responses'
with 'average over sessions?' -> No, I cannot plot several
sessions on the same graph (as it was apparently the case before : first
session in red, second session in blue etc.)
The question
            str   = sprintf('which session (1 to %d)',ss);
            ss    = spm_input(str,'+1','n','1',1,ss);
accepts only a scalar, i.e. one session at a time.

Why ??
Were the previous plots incorrect ? How can I obtain the 
epoch/event-related plot for
for more than one session ?

Any help would be much appreciated,


Mélanie PELEGRINI-ISSAC         tel : (33 0)1 53 82 84 20
U678 Inserm/UPMC                fax : (33 0)1 53 82 84 48
CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière           email :[log in to unmask]
91 bd de l'Hôpital 
75634 PARIS Cedex 13