clear Models, clear MM % User-Specified Parameters % =============================================================== % Conditions and stimuli % --------------------------------------------------------------- GA.conditions = [1 2 3 4 5]; % a vector of integers 1:# of event-related conditions (e.g., [1 2 3 4]) % to add "rest" intervals, add an extra condition and set its contrast weight % to zero in all contrasts. % e.g., condition 3 in this design could be passive rest. GA.freqConditions = [.2 .2 .2 .2 .2]; % vector of frequencies of each trial type; should sum to 1 GA.scanLength = 688; % how long your run is, in seconds. % This and the ISI determine how many stimuli are in each design vector GA.ISI = 4; % how long between stimulus presentations? (you can also include "rest" presentations) % also the time resolution of stimulus condition function (list of stimuli) % designs will be constructed in time units of this resolution GA.TR = 3; % the TR (sampling resolution) of your experiment; time for volume acquisition GA.doepochs = 0; % build epochs instead of events % use this if you have epochs instead of events; alpha version. use with caution. % if you use this, use the GA function optimizeGA_epochs.m % also, the contrast matrix will be different, with 3 periods per trial explicitly modeled % this wasn't intended to be a general solution, but a specific optimization for a certain design. % Hox optimization parameters % A hox gene is a master gene. These numbers control the stimulus % parameters, which can be optimized within the GA rather than % pre-specified. % Hox elements in this GA go in the stimlist as the first several elements. % hox sequence currently codes, in number order: % ISI TR cuelen cuerest stimlen stimrest resplen resprest (in s) % the last 6 parameters are for use with doepochs. % They code epoch lengths for 6 periods within each trial. % TR does not work right now % use zeros to use default rather than variable hox parameters % --------------------------------------------------------------- GA.numhox = 0; GA.hoxrange = []; % rows are each hox gene's allowable range, cols index hox elements % use this if you want to determine the ISI, etc. using the GA % also may require significant user input/program modification at this stage. % Genetic algorithm parameters % --------------------------------------------------------------- nmodels = 1; % how many runs do you want to optimize? % GA runs one separate optimization for each model. GA.cbalColinPowerWeights = [0 1 0 .5]; % 1 = cbal, 2 = eff, 3 = hrf shape, 4 = freq % first element: counterbalancing of stimuli % second: contrast detection efficiency % third: hrf shape estimation efficiency % maintenance of input frequencies for each trial type % fitness scores for each measure are multiplied by these values % before collapsing to a single, final fitness measure for each design. % does not have to sum to 1. GA.numGenerations = 10000; % how many iterations of the GA to run. GA.sizeGenerations = 20; % how many designs to test for each generation? Population size. GA.maxTime = 20; % max time to run in s, or Inf for infinite time % The GA stops when either numGenerations or maxTime is reached. GA.alph = 2.1; % "selection pressure": higher is more extreme selection; always pick the best 50% of designs %1 is no selection pressure at all, or random selection of designs for recombination % selection pressure is like in evolution; refers to whether the best designs are selected to % continue on to the next generation. % an intermediate value is best, to keep the population heterogeneity high. GA.plotFlag = 1; % plot results after each run. % Recommended to leave this off if nmodels > 1, and then plot your final results later. % Filtering, counterbalancing, and design tolerance % --------------------------------------------------------------- % Empty brackets indicate the option is not to be used. GA.lowerLimit = []; GA.HPlength = [120]; % high-pass filter length, in s, for analysis; [] for no HP filter % Used to filter out noise at lower frequencies than design during data analysis % The cutoff you should use depends on how much power in your design is below the cutoff - % you want all the power in your design to be above the cutoff. GA.LPsmooth = ['hrf']; % low-pass filter type for analysis; [] for no LP filter % choices are 'hrf' or [] GA.maxOrder = 1; % order of counterbalancing to use % 1 = each trial type follows each other with equal probabilities, adjusted for base frequencies % 2 = one-back and two-back counterbalancing. 3 = 1+2+3 back, etc. % Hard constraints % --------------------------------------------------------------- % Here you can specify tolerances for designs % If designs do not meet these criteria, they will receive -infinity fitness scores % Empty brackets indicate the option is not to be used. GA.NumStimthresh = []; % maximum number of repeats of any one event type in a row GA.maxCbalDevthresh = []; % maximum acceptable counterbalancing deviation (actual freq - expected freq) GA.maxFreqDevthresh = []; % maximum acceptable deviation from input frequencies (GA.freqConditions) % Contrast setup % --------------------------------------------------------------- % Here you specify contrasts across conditions, for use with the contrast estimation fitness measure % Each contrasts should be a row in the matrix GA.contrasts % GA.contrasts = [1 -1 0 0 0] [0 0 1 -1 0] [1 1 1 1 0] [1 1 0 0 0] [0 0 1 1 0] % there should be one column per condition in your design, not including the intercept. %if trans2switch or trans2block = 1, double the number of columns. % when using epoch design, three elements per condition for epochs (3 epochs)! GA.contrastweights = [1 1 1 1 1]; % Weighting function for contrasts (rows of GA.contrasts) % Contrast efficiencies will be multiplied by these weights before computing overall design fitness % If no contrasts are specified, this vector can specify weights for predictors (columns) % Autocorrelation and special options % --------------------------------------------------------------- AutocorrelationFileName = 'hiautocorr'; % This is the name of a mat file without the .mat extension % In the mat file, there should be a variable called myscannerxc % which is a row vector containing the autocorrelation fucntion you wish to use. % This function is used as the intrinsic noise autocorrelation estimate. % Included with the GA scripts are these functions: % myscannerxc (U of M 3T, 7 subjects) % hiautocorr (1/f) % hiautocorr3 (another 1/f) % noautocorr (identity; no autocorrelation) GA.restlength = []; % if inserting probe or instruction periods, modeled with periodic rests in the simulation, % this is the length of the rest/probe/instr periods to insert, in units of the ISI GA.restevery = []; % This is how many regular events you want to have (in ISIs) between rests. % Leave restlength and restevery blank to avoid using these options. GA.trans2switch = 0; % 1 or 0. This option works if the conditions field is 2 elements long. % This option creates new conditions 3 and 4 that occur whenever 1 is followed by 2 or 2 by 1 % So this option creates trial history-dependent predictors. 1 and 2 are repeats, 3 and 4 are switches % Useful when studying habituation, switching between items, etc. GA.trans2block = 0; % 1 or 0. This option doubles the input length of conditions - so [1 2] is transformed to [1 2 3 4] % This option creates alternating ABAB blocks of your input event types (e.g., 1 2) with the new % event types (e.g., 3 4). This is useful when simulating mixed block/event related designs. % Trial types 1-2, for example, can be two events within block A, and 3-4 can be the same (or different) % events within block B. The alternation frequency (in ISIs) is specified by GA.restevery. % If you use this option, the contrasts field must contain twice as many columns as you have input conditions. % for example, if conditions = [1 2 3 4], contrasts = [1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1] specifies block A vs block B. % contrasts = [1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1; 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1] specifies A vs B and events [1 2 5 6] - [3 4 7 8]. GA.dofirst = 0; % 1 or 0. This creates a separate trial type for the first trial following rests in GA.restlength. % It only works if you're using trans2switch and trans2block together; unreliable under other circumstances. GA.nonlinthreshold = [2]; % If the value here is x, predictor heights are clipped (thresholded) at x times the unit HRF height. % If empty, no thresholding is performed. % This is useful for modeling nonlinearities in the BOLD signal, which is important if your design uses % short ISIs (generally, 2 s or less). The clipping acts as a 'saturation' factor. % I like to use 2, because data in our lab suggests the the nonlinearities in the HRF can be % roughly approximated by a clipping function with this parameter value. % --------------------------------------------------------------- % % * E N D U S E R I N P U T % % --------------------------------------------------------------- eval(['load ' AutocorrelationFileName]); GA.xc = myscannerxc; % ============================================= % * vary by parameter - set this in this script % * if running multiple models, nmodels > 1 % --------------------------------------------- varyparam = 0; fieldname = 'alph'; % or 'freqConditions(end), etc. incrementby = 0.3; incrementevery = 5; % every n models contrastsofinterest = 1;% contrasts or predictors, if no cons specified % ============================================= if varyparam eval(['paramvalue = GA.' fieldname ';']) disp(' ');disp('* *********************************************************************') disp('* You have selected to vary a parameter across models in ga_gui_script') disp(['* GA.' fieldname ' starting at ' num2str(paramvalue)]) disp('* *********************************************************************') end for nm = 1:nmodels eval(['diary model' num2str(nm) '.log']) disp(['Starting Model ' num2str(nm)]) % freqConditions M = optimizeGA(GA); Models(:,nm) = M.stimlist; MM{nm} = M; save GAworkspace if varyparam if isfield(M,'consebeta'), Fit(1,nm) = mean(M.consebeta(contrastsofinterest)); else Fit(1,nm) = mean(M.sebeta(contrastsofinterest)); end eval(['Fit(2,nm) = GA.' fieldname ';']) FC(nm,:) = GA.freqConditions; ALPH(nm,:) = GA.alph; str = ['if mod(nm,' num2str(incrementevery) ') == 0,GA.' fieldname ' = GA.' fieldname '+' num2str(incrementby) ';,end'] eval(str); eval(['paramvalue = GA.' fieldname ';']) disp('* *********************************************************************') disp('* Varying parameter option on.') disp(['* GA.' fieldname ' is now ' num2str(paramvalue)]) disp('* *********************************************************************') end eval(['save model' num2str(nm) '_' ' M']) save GAworkspace diary off fprintf('\n') end