

Dear Doctor Wager,

I’m new with matlab and I have some difficulties with using GA utility that you’ve been created.

When I specify the ga_example_script_factorial.m (that I’ve joint with this mail), matlab told me the following error message but I can not understand why :

>> ga_example_script_factorial

ans =

     0     0     1    -1     0

ans =

     1     1     1     1     0

ans =

     1     1     0     0     0

ans =

     0     0     1     1     0

Starting Model 1
Saturation threshold = 2
Setting up variables
??? No appropriate methods for function contrasts.

Error in ==> /usr/yamoyen/share/matlab/OptimizeDesign11/optimizeGA.m
On line 56  ==> if isempty(contrasts)

Error in ==> /emi/gagnepain/od/ga_example_script_factorial.m
On line 225  ==>    M = optimizeGA(GA);

Could you tell me what’s going wrong in my script?

Thanks a lot for your helpful comments

Best wishes



Pierre Gagnepain

GIP Cyceron

Inserm E0218-Université de Caen

Boulevard Henri Becquerel

BP 5229 14074 CAEN


Tel +33(0)