

I have fMRI data for four groups of subjects:
R1 (23 subjects)
R2 (21 subjects)
R3 (19 subjects)
C  (20 subjects)
The three groups R1, R2, and R3 are the same subjects scanned at three 
different days using three different treatments.  The number of subjects 
varies between the groups because some subjects missed some of the 
treatments.  Group C is a control group.  All subjects in C group are 
different from subjects in R groups.

The first level analysis for individual subjects is done.  Now, we would 
like to compare R1, R2, and R3 with C (i.e., C>R1, C>R2, C>R3).   What will 
be the best way to analyze the data:
(1) do one-way Anova for four groups and use the following t-contrasts:
C>R1  [1 -1  0  0],
C>R2  [1  0 -1  0],
C>R3  [1  0  0 -1].
(2) Repeat three times one -way Anova for two groups (C and R1, C and R2, C 
and R3)?


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