


we have some troubles with the realign&unwarp routines used in SPM2 (last 
available package). So we try to understand the code

- apparently, the phase encode direction is considered as Y and deformation 
field and jacobian are calculated for this direction.  
Then, the defaults.realign.write.wrap value to indicate the 
direction of the deformation should be always set to [0 1 0] 
Is this correct ?

- How the static field values,if provided, are used during the estimation of partial 
derivatives of EPI deformation fields (spm_uw_estimate) ? It seems that there 
are only applied for the final calculation of images deformation 
(spm_get_image_def). is this right ?

-what does the comment "the possibility to include measured field-map 
temporally removed" in spm_realigned_ui exactly mean ?

Many thanks for your help


Michel Dojat	

Unité mixte INSERM-UJF U594 "Neuroimagerie Fonctionnelle & Métabolique"
CHU de Grenoble - Pavillon B
BP 217
38043 Grenoble Cedex 9
Phone: 33 4 76 76 57 48 (secr.) / 33 4 76 76 88 97 (direct)
Fax: 33 4 76 76 58 96

TIMC lab: 33 4 56 52 00 69

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