

Dear SPMers and particularly Klaas :-),
Applying DCM in the context of an - admittedly - odd design, during estimation I get the following error:


e.g.: E-Step(+X) F: -x.xxe+03 dp: x.xxe-02

followed by:

Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. 
Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = -1.0000000000e+00

and the latter by itself until the next E-Step.

As this is only a warning, the estimation runs on. Can I rely on the results (as much as one can anyway...)?
What might this warning tell me about what might be sub-optimal for DCM?

(It's a very basic model with two regions, symettrically connected (two ways), testing whether the exp. condition modulates the connection from one region to the other (one way)).

Any help very much appreciated,

with best wishes,
