

   Hi Zhi Wang,

   To choose or not to choose the flip option in MRIcro it
depends on which orientation (radiologic/neurologic) you
want to consider. If your DICOM images are in radiologic
format (left is right), you shouldn't choose this option
and thus set defaults.analyze.flip to 1. If you want to
use neurological format, you can mark the flip check box
and also set defaults.analyze.flip to 0.

   Good luck!

Cita de Zhi Wang <[log in to unmask]>:

> hello everyone:
>     when I use the converting software MRIcro to convert the dicom files to
> analyze files, a dialog window will appear when clicking "Import/convert
> foreign to analyze". In that dialog window, there is a check box of "flip
> left/right". Should I choose it or not? If I choose it, what kind of effect
> on the result it will have? I mean that if I choose it , what about the left
> and right in the spm result?
> zhi wang
> ---------------------------------
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Gracián García Martí    ---------    [log in to unmask]
[MI - Medical Imaging Area]
BET - Bioengineering, Electronics and Telemedicine Group
UPV - Politechnical University of Valencia - Spain

[IM - Área de Imagen Médica]
BET - Grupo de Bioingeniería, Electrónica y Telemedicina
UPV - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Tlf:+34 96 387 00 00 Ext:75275