

my quick answer as I dash to rounds is that i think there are differences. 
I can send a matlab function that realigns tags to tags and controls to 
controls later today.



At 09:50 AM 7/13/2005, Geoffrey K Aguirre wrote:
>On Jul 13, 2005, at 1:03 PM, Ze Wang wrote:
>>     For ASL images, I always realign them before subtraction, and
>>for realignment, I just follow the general procedure, although
>>Aguirre recommends the separate realignment.
>     Because the label and control images have systematically
>different image intensities, it seems wise to realign them back to
>separate label and control initial images. I have, however, never
>tested to see if this makes any substantive difference.
>>According to
>>JJ Wang's paper, spatial smoothing is very important for ASL images.
>     The concept here is that whereas spatial smoothing of BOLD data
>is associated with some deleterious effects upon the intrinsic
>temporal noise structure, this unwanted effect is absent for ASL
>data. In other words, spatial smoothing of ASL data provides the full
>benefit that would be expected. There is no necessary incentive to
>smooth ASL data, however, beyond what would be desired to maximize
>detection of spatially extended signal changes.
>     For those interested in the technical details:  BOLD fMRI data
>have enhanced noise at low temporal frequencies. These low-frequency
>temporal fluctuations tend to share phase across space, so spatial
>smoothing of BOLD data acts to enhance the noise present at low
>temporal frequencies.
>Geoffrey Karl Aguirre, M.D., Ph.D.
>[log in to unmask]
>Assistant Professor of Neurology
>Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
>Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
>Philadelphia, PA

Darren R. Gitelman, M.D.
Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer¹s Disease Center
Northwestern Univ., 320 E. Superior St., Searle 11-470, Chicago, IL 60611
Voice:   (312) 908-9023     Fax:  (312) 908-8789