

Dear SPM user,

We are glad to announce that the probabilistic maps of parietal opercular areas OP 1 – OP 4 (which correspond to the human SII cortex) are now made publicly available as part of the SPM Anatomy toolbox. (

Please remember to download and install both zip files that have been updated, since there have also been some bug-fixes in the main program.

The respective papers describing the four defined areas on the human parietal operculum and discuss their relationship to the functionally defined SII cortex are currently in press @  Cerebral Cortex

If you have any questions or comments regarding OP 1 – 4 or the SPM Anatomy toolbox in general, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Best regards

Simon B. Eickhoff
Institut for Medicine (IME);  Research Center Jülich
Leo-Brandt-Str. 5;  52425  Juelich, Germany
Phone + 49 2461-61-5219 / Fax + 49 2461-61-2820
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